Pink Therapy is changing!

As my plan to share the load for the running and development of the organisation, by creating a franchise where some of my colleagues would take on the administration of the face-to-face courses has stalled, I’m now moving ahead with other plans.

We will be winding down our face-to-face training programme after the current advertised workshops are complete.  So book now or miss your chance!

We will be continuing to run our two-year  Post Graduate Diploma in Gender, Sexuality and Relationship Diversity Therapy (GSRD) which is largely delivered online and we will be delivering online Continuing Professional Development to reach out to people unable to travel easily to London or who don’t have the time to commit to a full specialist vocational training. In fact our PG Diploma is close to having recruited a full cohort, with just a couple of places remaining.

One of the new projects is that I will be increasing the Clinical Associate team. 

Up until now the Clinical Associates team was a small group of highly experienced therapists based in London who met three times a year and were recruited to try and keep a balance in gender and theoretical model.  They got a privileged position on the website and paid an increased membership fee for being an associate (alongside their directory membership); they also got a discount on undertaking our training events and reduced conference fee. They became the faculty for our training workshops and courses and were a great think tank.

I am now seeking to recruit more Clinical Associates especially outside of London.  The organisation has been accused of being too London-centric and I think this is an opportunity to do something about that.  I am keen to demonstrate there are a wider range of GSRD-experienced therapists across the UK (and beyond).

Joining the new Associates team will be by invitation

Apologies in advance if you would like to take up this role but don’t receive an invitation yet. The criteria are largely that you are:
• accredited by us,
• have attended significant training with us,
• are faculty on our programmes
• have contributed to the field through publications, training etc.
I am also keen to ensure the majority are from outside of London and that we continue to reflect the diversity of GSRD identities.

The new Associates will be invited to attend an annual networking meeting and be expected to continue to commit to professional development in this rapidly changing area of work. There will also be a separate membership fee to reflect the elevated profile and provide some additional income for the organisation.

Dominic Davies
Founder and CEO
7 February 2017